PRS Sustaining Creativity Fund

PRS Foundation has just announced Round 3 of their Sustaining Creativity Fund targeted at UK-based Black music creators, working in any genre and at any career level who have been experiencing hardship from loss of work due to COVID-19. In partnership with various black-led organisations including GIRLSIRATE, Jazz re:freshed, MOBO Trust, No Signal, Saffron Records and Tomorrow’s Warriors and thanks to the Spotify COVID-19 Music Relief Fund and generous donations from members of the publicPRS Foundation invite artists, songwriters and composers to apply for a chance to be rewarded a £750 grant.

Guidance for applying for Sustaining Creativity Fund - Round 3: 

  • designed for Black music creators experiencing hardship from loss of work due to the Covid-19 pandemic 

  • This fund helps UK music creators to do what they do best, using a new model to support music making, however that looks 

  • We will offer timely grant support of £750 to make a difference and will support outstanding talent in flexible ways 

  • The grant can be spent on anything that enables music creators to continue to create exceptional new music 

  • This includes using support to adapt and sustain careers by covering lost income, supporting your costs or cash-flow 

  • It allows creators to spend time writing, recording, collaborating, innovating and making creative plans 

  • Funding will be available to those making music in any genre 


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