Frizz Price, an East London native and multi-talented creative, and recently features on GIRLSofGRIME's debut record 'Crop Tops & Hoodies', the official track for International Women's Day 2023.

Frizz's impressive career spans over two decades and has performed at venues such as Hackney Empire, XOYO, Warner Music, and festivals like Lovebox. She's also caught the attention of big stars like Da Brat, Pussy Cat Dolls, Lady Leshurr, and Krept & Konan and has been supported by UK Radio hosts Mista Jam and Sian Anderson.

Frizz remains a humble and hard-working creative. She writes, performs, acts, and directs music videos and has worked on several other creative projects, including soundtracks for short films and also participates in professional female fighting sports. Her success is a testament to her dedication to her craft and hard work. Frizz recently released tracK‘ with US rapper SMN Tyrique for new drill anthem " CANT TELL ME SHIT" [EXPLICIT] and last year dropped ‘De-Stress’ ft. Reiss Boogie - check it our below.

Frizz's accomplishments also shed light on the ongoing gender biases that women in the music industry face. Women have long been underrepresented and marginalised in the industry, and Frizz's success serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring female artists. As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's essential to recognize and support women like Frizz who are paving the way for future generations of female artists.

Join the movement towards gender equity by creating your own version of the track. Download the "Crop Tops & Hoodies" instrumental, record & share on social media, tagging us @girlsofgrime.


IWD 2023: AE
