IWD 2023: AE

AE, the South London duo comprising of Ads and Els, are the new kids on the block that you should be paying attention to. Their music is making a splash in the industry, and their latest release, 'Not Your Girl,' is proof of that. The duo's sound is fresh, vibrant, and full of energy that will get you up and dancing in no time. Ads and Els have been making music together since 2018, and it's evident that their chemistry is on point, both on and off stage.

AE have garnered attention from major publications like COMPLEX and TRENCH and their music has also been played on several reputable radio stations like Kiss, Reprezent, NoSignal, and BBC 1xtra and during the pandemic, AE made their debut with a 4-track EP titled 'Summer We Never Had' in 2020. 

Since then, they've continued to soar to new heights, making it to the top 20 finalists in the MOBO Unsung competition in 2021, and featured on the MOBO Unsung compilation album: Class of 2022.

AE has chosen to remain independent for the time being, and their decision is a testament to their determination to succeed on their own terms. Despite facing numerous challenges, including gender biases in the music industry, the duo continues to create music that resonates with audiences worldwide.

It's clear that AE's star is on the rise, and they show no signs of slowing down. Keep an eye on this duo as they continue to make a significant impact in the music industry.

Their success is a reflection of the growing demand for equity for women in music. AE has proven that women can excel in the music industry despite the systemic barriers they face. As we celebrate International Women's Day, it's essential to recognize and support female artists like AE who are paving the way for future generations of women in music.

Join the movement towards gender equity by creating your own version of the track. Download the "Crop Tops & Hoodies" instrumental, record & share on social media, tagging us @girlsofgrime.


