Meet Ariez Baby! Hailing from South London, this rising star has been passionate about music since she first set her sights on playing the violin. But over the past three years, Ariez has been steadily developing her skills rapping & singing as an artist, under the guidance of her management team, 1010 LDN.

Despite the immense challenges posed by the pandemic in 2020, Ariez has emerged as a formidable presence in the music industry. Her tracks "Call Up" and "Risk" have garnered airplay on popular radio stations like BBC 1xtra and KISS FM, while her live performances have captivated audiences nationwide. With "Risk" quickly approaching 200k views on GRM Daily, it GOES OFF every time she performs it live too - check out the exhilarating visuals below!!

Last year, Ariez achieved a major career milestone by opening for Dappy’s (N-Dubz) national UK tour. It was an incredible opportunity for her to showcase "Press It," a track she collaborated on with GIRLSofGRIME, in front of massive crowds. Her infectious energy and captivating stage presence earned her high praise from fans and critics alike. Since then, Ariez has continued to set stages ablaze with her unique style and energy. She's performed at various events and venues, both in the UK and internationally, winning over fans wherever she goes and quickly gaining recognition as one of the most promising up-and-coming artists in the industry.

Ariez Baby features on GIRLSofGRIME’s ‘Crop Tops & Hoodies’ - this years official International Womens Day track and her trajectory is a testament to the fact that talent knows no gender. With more support and opportunities, women can make significant contributions to the music industry. As we continue to work towards equity for women in music, it's important to celebrate the achievements of women like Ariez Baby and provide more opportunities for women to succeed in the industry. Let's continue to uplift and empower women in music, so they too can reach their full potential.

Join the movement towards gender equity by creating your own version of the IWD2023 track. Download the "Crop Tops & Hoodies" instrumental below and record & share it with us on social media by following & tagging us @girlsofgrime.




IWD 2023: AE